09 June, 2010

09 June 2010

Away we go 1...Away we go ALL....

Well we made it to Layfette, LA. without too many problems. Actually no problems at all. We left a little later than planned (but who cares?) Our good little car holds a lot more than we expected so we had no problems with 2 months of clothing and some supplies.

We did run into a series of torrential rain showers. At one point could not see each other, and we were in the same car! But they were really ugly, and we actually saw about 7 accidents on the highway as a result. (Jack-knifed 18 wheelers, SUVs completely turned over) and traffic backed up for miles. Interesting enough, they were all in the north bound lanes. (lucky us!)

Splash update: he traveled well and actually slept most of the way after we did some rearranging of back seat luggage. He is doing well in the hotel (as it's his first time) although he did not like it at all when Mom and Dad left for supper. But it's much to hot to leave him in the car, so hopefully that will resolve itself.

Attached is the ONLY photo of the day. As we were heading down Highway 20, this is the scene of the storms.

Trust all are doing well...Looking forward to a short drive and a long day tomorrow along the New Orlean's shore.

Until then, take care...
H and KK

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it safe thru he storm and Splash is a great traveler! Love you all!
